Starting the Game

Title Screen

The Title Screen will appear after starting up the game. From this menu, select any option and press the A Button to confirm your choice.

Online ModeConnect to the Internet and play online.
Note: This mode will unlock once you've made enough progress in solo-play mode.
Solo-Play ModePlay the game offline.
OptionsChange controllers, adjust language settings, or check downloadable content.

Saving Data

Game data will be saved automatically, at which time an icon will appear on the top right of the screen. Please do not exit the game or turn off the system while autosaving is underway.

Muse Creation

When starting a new game, you must first create an avatar known as a Muse. You can customize a wide range of details including body type, hairstyle, and facial features.
Note: Your Muse will be seen by other players after you connect online.

Changing Your Muse

The profile and appearance set during Muse creation can be changed at any time using the Muse Mirror in the Salon Area. The Muse's body type cannot be changed, however.